Certification Package: IAAO Instructor 2022-2024 ** DEPRECATED **
Log In to Enroll
- This certification is available to: Non-member and Member. Please log in to enroll.
The Instructor Certification Program (ICP) provides an online portal in which IAAO instructors can both check their certification progress as well as upload supporting documents. This will be especially helpful as IAAO shifts from a three-year certification cycle to a two-year cycle in late summer 2022.
You may upload all of your required documents to maintain your instructor status here.
IAAO requires instructor attendance at these meetings. If, however, you are unable to attend, instructors will be required to watch the recording. Attendance is tracked.
Includes Credits
Workshop 411, Building a Healthy Workplace Culture, examines how each of us affects our work environment. Ideally, our workplace is one where we feel physically and psychologically safe to perform at our best. Workshop 411 identifies both situations that negatively impact a workplace, as well as positive strategies we can take to create the healthy work environment we all need. The workshop also covers federal and state statutes providing legal protection against harassment and discrimination. Finally, the workshop presents expectations for those affiliated with IAAO.