102 - Income Approach to Valuation - Live Online - September 2024 - Assessors Education Society - 2024101460

Includes a Live In-Person Event on 09/13/2024 at 12:00 AM (EDT)

  • Registration Closed

The Income Approach to Valuation is designed to provide the students with an understanding and working knowledge of the procedures and techniques required to estimate the market value of vacant or improved properties by the income approach. The material covers real estate finance and investment, capitalization methods and techniques, analysis of income and expenses to estimate operating income, selection of capitalization rates, and application of the approach.

This offering is sponsored by the Assessors Education Society. For more information contact Miles Anderson, assessorseducationsociety@gmail.com or visit https://www.iaaoonline.com/

Course Information: 9/9/2024 - 9/12/2024 | 8:00 AM daily, eastern

Instructor: Miles Anderson, CAE

Components visible upon registration.